
60 Days of {Gratitude} : Day 12 - 15

Okay, note to self: blogging while traveling is difficult. So needless to say I’m way behind! I’m going to do one big post for the past few days.

Day 12:
I am extremely grateful for the ability and the passion to travel. I don’t care whether it’s across the state or across the world, I LOVE to travel. I’m not sure what I love most, but there is something about the adventure, new sights, new food, new people, that never cease to amaze me. Maybe it’s genetic because if any of you know my mother she’s the exact same way. In fact, she figured out how to make a living doing what she loves and helping other people do the same. I can’t tell you my favorite place or best trip...they all have their own story. But I am so thankful that traveling is my passion and that I have been able to see so much of this world already; my only fear in life is that I’ll never get to see it all...

Just a few pics from some of my favorite vacations...

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico 
Napa Valley, California

Sailing in Antigua

Keystone, Colorado

Day 13:
Okay, this is another obvious one I’ve been postponing. I am so thankful today and everyday for my momma. She’s my rock. My sense of reason. And my best friend. It wasn’t always that way, we had our “moments” when I was growing up, but in the past 10 years or so, we’ve become incredibly close and I am such a lucky girl. She’s one of the strongest people I know and has overcome so much in her life. She lives life spontaneously, is always up for an adventure, and taught me that life is too short to stay home and do chores on a perfectly beautiful day. I hope as I continue figuring out who I am, I have a little bit of her in me. 

Day 14:
Today I am thankful that Monday only comes once a week :) Okay okay, that was kind of negative. So I’m really thankful for weekends. And that I have a job where every other week I get a 3 day weekend. Some are busy, some are lazy, but they are always rejuvenating and some type of fun!

Day 15:
Today I’m thankful for sappy movies. Sometimes you need an escape from reality. And while I enjoy an Academy Award winner every once in a while, sometimes I just want mind numbing silly entertainment :)

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