Quarter Life Crisis of a DQ
My perspective on being a 20 something in this crazy world we live in, while adjusting to life as an adult. I'm changing, growing, and laughing along the way, learning to love the life I live and live the life I love.
60 Days of {Gratitude} : Day 17
I’d like to think that I’m thankful for this every day, but I was reminded today just how thankful I am for technology. Clark left today to go deer hunting for the weekend, so I’m bachelorette-ing it all weekend. And of course what’s the first major crisis? Well the dog, but the SECOND, the tv. My lovely, intelligent, gadget loving husband has 3 remotes, a receiver with more settings than most computers, and about 30 cables coming out from the tv. Having a rare night at home alone, I can’t think of anything I’d rather do than watch Glee of course. So I log onto hulu and click play, quickly realizing that I need it to be on the tv rather than just my computer. So after a painful 20+ minute conversation with Clark (on our iPhones) he helps me get everything set up and working. Sometimes I think I’m pretty tech savvy, but compared to him I’m still decades behind... So thank you Apple for making my macbook that has cords to hook up to the tv and for my iPhone so that I can get instructions on how to do so! You saved my sanity and got me all caught up on this season of Glee <3
60 Days of {Gratitude} : Day 16
Today I am thankful for delicious and healthy food. We had a pre-Thanksgiving feast at work today and it got me SO excited about Turkey Day next week! We had turkey, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie...the whole shebang. Of course it was nothing like “The Menu” my family has, but you’ll have to wait until next Thursday to hear about that!
60 Days of {Gratitude} : Day 12 - 15
Okay, note to self: blogging while traveling is difficult. So needless to say I’m way behind! I’m going to do one big post for the past few days.
Day 14:
Today I am thankful that Monday only comes once a week :) Okay okay, that was kind of negative. So I’m really thankful for weekends. And that I have a job where every other week I get a 3 day weekend. Some are busy, some are lazy, but they are always rejuvenating and some type of fun!
Day 15:
Today I’m thankful for sappy movies. Sometimes you need an escape from reality. And while I enjoy an Academy Award winner every once in a while, sometimes I just want mind numbing silly entertainment :)
Day 12:
I am extremely grateful for the ability and the passion to travel. I don’t care whether it’s across the state or across the world, I LOVE to travel. I’m not sure what I love most, but there is something about the adventure, new sights, new food, new people, that never cease to amaze me. Maybe it’s genetic because if any of you know my mother she’s the exact same way. In fact, she figured out how to make a living doing what she loves and helping other people do the same. I can’t tell you my favorite place or best trip...they all have their own story. But I am so thankful that traveling is my passion and that I have been able to see so much of this world already; my only fear in life is that I’ll never get to see it all...
Just a few pics from some of my favorite vacations...
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico |
Napa Valley, California |
Sailing in Antigua |
Keystone, Colorado |
Day 13:
Okay, this is another obvious one I’ve been postponing. I am so thankful today and everyday for my momma. She’s my rock. My sense of reason. And my best friend. It wasn’t always that way, we had our “moments” when I was growing up, but in the past 10 years or so, we’ve become incredibly close and I am such a lucky girl. She’s one of the strongest people I know and has overcome so much in her life. She lives life spontaneously, is always up for an adventure, and taught me that life is too short to stay home and do chores on a perfectly beautiful day. I hope as I continue figuring out who I am, I have a little bit of her in me.
Day 14:
Today I am thankful that Monday only comes once a week :) Okay okay, that was kind of negative. So I’m really thankful for weekends. And that I have a job where every other week I get a 3 day weekend. Some are busy, some are lazy, but they are always rejuvenating and some type of fun!
Day 15:
Today I’m thankful for sappy movies. Sometimes you need an escape from reality. And while I enjoy an Academy Award winner every once in a while, sometimes I just want mind numbing silly entertainment :)
60 Days of {Gratitude} : Day 11
Since it's Veteran's Day, guess I'll be cliche and tell you all how thankful I am for all those that have served our country, because I really am so grateful everyday for the sacrifices they've made. Thank you for protecting me and my family, and ensuring that we all have the freedom to speak our minds and for the most part, do as we please. I'd like to think that maybe, just maybe, I'm doing a small part in protecting our warfighters everyday while I'm at work. Or at least that's what we try to do. To military men and women, past and present, thank you for everything you do, words can't do my gratitude justice.
60 days of {Gratitude} : Day 10
I'm posting from my phone tonight, mostly because I can't be bothered to pull myself away from sitting on the couch giggling with my mom over chocolate cake and playing cards. After all, my laptop is sitting all the way across the room.
Anyway, tonight I am thankful for the sound of the ocean... We've got the patio door open, the breeze blowing into our room, and nothing but the sound of waves beating against the sand as the tide comes in. I've always been in awe of the ocean, ever since my brother and I caught our first glimpse of it when we went to Cocoa about 13 years ago. It was late by the time we got to our hotel that night, but we were so intrigued that we insisted on going down to the beach. It didn't take long before we had jumped in the water - clothes, shoes and all. I don't know how long we played in the sand and water that night, but there was something about the ocean that fascinated us. The next day, my mom could not drag us off the beach. We begged her to let us stay so we snacked on doritos and oreos for lunch that day (feeding the seagulls while we were at it) and didn't leave until after dark. We even went back after dinner to see if the tide had washed away "Mount Cocoa" that we had built. That was one of the most amazing vacations... And so began my lifelong love affair with the ocean.
Anyway, tonight I am thankful for the sound of the ocean... We've got the patio door open, the breeze blowing into our room, and nothing but the sound of waves beating against the sand as the tide comes in. I've always been in awe of the ocean, ever since my brother and I caught our first glimpse of it when we went to Cocoa about 13 years ago. It was late by the time we got to our hotel that night, but we were so intrigued that we insisted on going down to the beach. It didn't take long before we had jumped in the water - clothes, shoes and all. I don't know how long we played in the sand and water that night, but there was something about the ocean that fascinated us. The next day, my mom could not drag us off the beach. We begged her to let us stay so we snacked on doritos and oreos for lunch that day (feeding the seagulls while we were at it) and didn't leave until after dark. We even went back after dinner to see if the tide had washed away "Mount Cocoa" that we had built. That was one of the most amazing vacations... And so began my lifelong love affair with the ocean.
60 Days of {Gratitude} : Day 9
After sitting in class for three hours tonight, I feel like it’s only appropriate that I’m thankful for the amazing education I have received...and am still receiving.
In my house, going to college was never really optional...the question was where are you going to college, not ARE you going to college. Growing up, I always liked school, did very well, and couldn’t wait to hit those golden college years. Four years later, I proudly walked across that stage, got my diploma, and got started on my big girl career.
Three years after graduation, I’m finding myself in a classroom once again. Rumor has it that a bachelor’s degree will only get you so far these days, so I’m pursuing my MBA like a lot of other young corporate go getters, hoping to further my career and maybe even learn a thing or two. While going to class twice a week after working a 9 hour day isn’t ideal, I really do love school. I get a warm fuzzy feeling stepping onto a college campus. Most of the time I wish I was wearing sweats instead of stumbling across campus in my business attire... I’m so envious of all those undergraduates. Oh the good old days :)
Anyway, back to the topic at hand... I believe anyone can get an education if they work hard and want it bad enough. I feel very fortunate that I learned this early on and got a great education in the process. Learning is a lifelong goal, something that can never be accomplished because it is never ending. But boy will I be glad when this degree is finished!
In my house, going to college was never really optional...the question was where are you going to college, not ARE you going to college. Growing up, I always liked school, did very well, and couldn’t wait to hit those golden college years. Four years later, I proudly walked across that stage, got my diploma, and got started on my big girl career.
Three years after graduation, I’m finding myself in a classroom once again. Rumor has it that a bachelor’s degree will only get you so far these days, so I’m pursuing my MBA like a lot of other young corporate go getters, hoping to further my career and maybe even learn a thing or two. While going to class twice a week after working a 9 hour day isn’t ideal, I really do love school. I get a warm fuzzy feeling stepping onto a college campus. Most of the time I wish I was wearing sweats instead of stumbling across campus in my business attire... I’m so envious of all those undergraduates. Oh the good old days :)
Anyway, back to the topic at hand... I believe anyone can get an education if they work hard and want it bad enough. I feel very fortunate that I learned this early on and got a great education in the process. Learning is a lifelong goal, something that can never be accomplished because it is never ending. But boy will I be glad when this degree is finished!
60 Days of {Gratitude} : Day 8
Today I’m thankful for pets, especially my little Ellie girl. If you’ve read any significant portion of my blog, you know how important pets are in our family. We still miss our Lexi baby, but we’re glad we were able to adopt Ellie and give her a home.
As frustrating as a young puppy can be sometimes (she’s only 5 months old), she can also be unbelievably sweet and cuddly just when you need her to be. Sometimes she even behaves, like tonight, when she graduated from her intermediate training class! She is so ridiculously smart...and stubborn. Wonder where she gets it from? Ha! Good job Ellie girl, Mom & Dad are so proud of you and very thankful you came into our lives when you did!
As frustrating as a young puppy can be sometimes (she’s only 5 months old), she can also be unbelievably sweet and cuddly just when you need her to be. Sometimes she even behaves, like tonight, when she graduated from her intermediate training class! She is so ridiculously smart...and stubborn. Wonder where she gets it from? Ha! Good job Ellie girl, Mom & Dad are so proud of you and very thankful you came into our lives when you did!
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Ellie graduated from her second training class! |
60 Days of {Gratitude} : Day 7
I knew it was bound to happen eventually...I missed a blog post yesterday. Darn it! But lucky for you all, you get a double dose today :)
Yesterday I was thankful for rain! Anyone else living in Texas this past summer probably shares my sentiment -- we were in a terrible drought all summer. Unfortunately yesterday’s showers couldn’t save my brown shriveled up yard. That’ll be a project for spring...
Anyway, it was amazing to fall asleep to some soft sprinkles last night. One of the “little things” in life that made my Monday slightly more tolerable.
Yesterday I was thankful for rain! Anyone else living in Texas this past summer probably shares my sentiment -- we were in a terrible drought all summer. Unfortunately yesterday’s showers couldn’t save my brown shriveled up yard. That’ll be a project for spring...
Anyway, it was amazing to fall asleep to some soft sprinkles last night. One of the “little things” in life that made my Monday slightly more tolerable.
60 Days of {Gratitude} : Day 6
Today I am oh so thankful for Oklahoma State University and that I got to spend two of the best years of my life there! This post is not un-purposely being written on the day that the BCS polls rank them the #2 team in the country... Go Pokes!
But in all seriousness, deciding to attend OSU was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I moved away from home, pledged the most amazing sorority, and met some of my best friends. I grew up. I made dumb decisions. I figured out what I wanted to do with my life (sort of). I learned what school pride was all about. I stayed out too late. Drank too make Dr Peppers from The Barn. Spent too much time on The Strip. Learned basement songs. Pomped until I almost died...Literally, I got mono my fresh year. Camped out for days to get Men’s Basketball tickets. Made a few mistakes. Serenaded fraternity boys. Got serenaded...Gosh, I love Zeta Olympics. Lived in a house with almost 100 girls. Learned some stuff (I did in fact go to class). Ate a lot of Hideaway, Shakey’s, and Pita Pit...so that’s where all that college weight came from (revolution here, haha). Dressed up like an M&M to meet my amazing big. Laughed until I cried too many times to count. And I wouldn’t change a thing.
Leaving there was one of the hardest decisions I have ever made. As hard as it was, it was the right thing for me to do, but sometimes I wonder what it would have been like to spend two more years in Stillwater... I might not have survived all the fun! Thank you Oklahoma State for giving me some of the best memories a girl could ever ask for. I’ll always bleed orange :)
60 Days of {Gratitude} : Day 5
Gotta make this quick...there is football to watch!
Today I am so thankful for FALL! It is by far my favorite of the four seasons, here’s why:
Football. Chili. Cool weather. Warm fall colors, oranges & browns. Pretty leaves. Pumpkin scented EVERYTHING. Fall clothes -- sweaters, scarves, and boots oh my! Bonfires. Back to School. Rush. Thanksgiving. Pumpkin Pie. Playoff Baseball. Oktoberfest. That feeling that I can’t quite describe...sitting outside on a cool night, smelling the Fall air, perfect happiness <3
Happy Fall Ya’ll! Hopefully tomorrow I’ll be thankful for an Oklahoma State WIN tonight.
Today I am so thankful for FALL! It is by far my favorite of the four seasons, here’s why:
Football. Chili. Cool weather. Warm fall colors, oranges & browns. Pretty leaves. Pumpkin scented EVERYTHING. Fall clothes -- sweaters, scarves, and boots oh my! Bonfires. Back to School. Rush. Thanksgiving. Pumpkin Pie. Playoff Baseball. Oktoberfest. That feeling that I can’t quite describe...sitting outside on a cool night, smelling the Fall air, perfect happiness <3
Happy Fall Ya’ll! Hopefully tomorrow I’ll be thankful for an Oklahoma State WIN tonight.
Playoff Baseball 2010 |
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