It's almost 3am and I'm still up sipping champagne. Everyone else in the house is sleeping (lots of leftover house guests!), the food is still sitting out, and the bubbly is getting warm. You might ask why I'm still up. First of all, I really love champagne and I think it's a sin to pour out a perfectly good bottle that's already open. And second of all, I'm still celebrating. I really don't see the need to stop celebrating at midnight.
I've decided that my New Year's resolution is going to be to celebrate. Not just the big stuff - engagements, weddings, promotions, babies. Those are obvious reasons to celebrate. Who doesn't love something exciting to happen?? But what about about the little stuff? Too often we forget to celebrate a sunset, a snuggly puppy, or even a great day at the office. Too often we forget to celebrate being healthy enough to go for a walk, or to see a good friend, or to have a fun date night. I really believe you should always have a bottle of champagne chilling. You never know when a good moment to celebrate might present itself.
Most years I'm happy to see another year pass. Whether it was because I was anxious to get older or because I thought something better was lurking around the corner, New Year's Eve has always been a favorite of mine. This year is a bit different. This year I'm sad to see 2010 go. Because although it was a trying year, I learned so much and I grew even more than I thought possible. My best friend asked me to be his wife. I got a new job. I made new friends. I settled into our beautiful home. I spent countless hours giggling with my girlfriends over wedding plans. I hosted parties. Spent holidays with our families. I battled an illness I never thought I would have to conquer. I healed. I traveled. I loved.
And although I'm sad to see the year gone, I know 2011 has so much in store for me, and I can't wait celebrate everything it has to offer. Loves. And Cheers! Happy New Year!