I've been wanting to start a blog for quite a while. I've played with some ideas, discussed them with my friends, and changed my mind about what the topic would be a million times. So I'm biting the bullet and doing it. I'm not a talented writer, nor do I have anything earth shattering to say. But sometimes I think about things and feel an urgency to write them down. So I'm going to write. And possibly ramble. And maybe even entertain a few people. At the very least I'll get some things out of my head and down on paper (or a screen at least).
So, I logged onto Blogger and hit the create button. Of course the first thing it asked for was a blog name. No pressure there. It's only the biggest font on the page. The thing everyone sees when they click the mouse on your link. No biggie. As pointed out above, I've never had a blog so I had no clue how to name one. Like every other human being, I figured Google would have an answer for me. I googled "blog naming guidelines" to find out the how to get this thing started. My search returned way more results than I was expecting. There are apparently a lot of people who think they know how to do this. People said to keep it short. I didn't really do that. They said to make it reflect what you were going to write about. I kind of did that. So after deciding I didn't necessarily agree with all their suggestions, or maybe I just couldn't come up with anything that fit the bill of normalcy, I went with "Quarter Life Crisis of a DQ."
You might wonder what exactly that means. I turned 25 a couple of weeks ago and have been struggling with a quarter life crisis, as they call it these days, for a while now. For those of you there right now, you probably know exactly what I'm talking about. For those of you past this point, do you remember that time in your 20's when you weren't sure how you got to where you were? Or where you were going next? And if you're not to that point in your life, you will be soon. I think everyone goes through this. For all you Midwest readers out there, the DQ does not stand for Dairy Queen...although I love me some blizzards. I was in Target a few weeks ago and there was a little girl whining about wanting a toy. It went something like "But mom so and so has it and I will just DIE if I don't get one too," as the little girl threw herself onto her mother's leg. The mother looks at her daughter and without batting an eye says, "Are we being a DQ?" It took me a moment, but then I got it. And then I laughed and in turn got a look from the mother and smile from the little girl. What the mother was referring to was a Drama Queen. I was that little girl and some things never change. I'm still a Drama Queen, or my new favorite phrase, a DQ. And my mother still calls me out on it.
So there you have it, the very teeny tiny history of my blog.